Main components

  1. Arduino board with chipset Mega32u4, 90USB1286 or RP2040, as shown in the following pictures (board with chipset Mega328 are not compatible).
  2. A LED to indicate Operation Mode:
    • RGB Option: A RGB LED and 4 10K Ohms resistors, common anode. Translucid (instead of transparent) LED is recommended for a better light effect.
    • Monochromatic Option: A standard LED (even the original one) and a 270 or 330 Ohms resistor.
  3. Two DB-9 male chassi connector for Joysticks (optional).
  4. USB-A to Micro-USB, or USB-A to Mini-USB cable, depending the board to use.
  5. Dupont connectors and a strip of pins to plug all the components to the board Arduino and to the keyboard.

ARM rp2040 Board

Raspberry Pi Pico

Except the Teensy++2.0, the Pico is maybe a better choice than an Arduino board nowadays. Easy to wire and enough pins for LED and other options.

ATMEL 90USB1286 chip boards

Teensy ++2.0 

Due to having a large number of inputs and outputs, is the best choice for this project making the wiring easier, allowing to connect every component directly to the board.

Also thanks of it’s layout having one side fully populated with inputs, the keyboard female connector can be plug directly to this board!!!

ATMEL Mega32u4 chip boards

Arduino Leonardo

Excellent board but larger. The already soldered pins version has female Dupont connectors, which makes it unnecesary taller. I recommend buy it without soldered pins.

Arduino Micro

Good Atmel32u4 chip implementation with many inputs. I do not have one so I can’t design the 3D models but the fimrware should work flawlessly. If you want to design it, be my guest!!!

Teensy 2.0

The PJRC implementation of Atmel32u4 chip with the largest quantity of inputs and outputs in a small board. Like the Arduino Micro, I do not have one so I can’t design the 3D models but the firmware should work flawlessly. If you want to design it, be my guest!!!

Pro Micro

The cheaper Atmel32u4 implementation, also having less inputs and outputs. Remeber to buy the 5V version.

It works with 18 lanes keyboards like C-64, C-16 y Plus/4.

Warning: Due to not having enough pins, this board does not support any LED option. Alternatively, you can connect a LED to the 5V output (using a resistor)