Atmel 32u4 boards wiring

using dupont cables and connectors

To connect our Arduino Leonardo, Micro, Teensy 2.0 or ProMicro board, you are going to need Dupont type cable extensions, male to male, or male to female, according to your board.

For Commodore-16:

You are going to need 16 cables for the keyboard, 4 cables for the RGB LED, and 12 cables for the joysticks (optional).

I recommend to build an «adapter» using a male strip of 20 pins for the Keyboard connector, with or without «Y» connections, depending of the option of Joysticks, as you can see below.

For Plus/4:

I recommend getting a female ribbon cable connector, like the one in the original board. This way you can easily connect the membrane ribbon cable to the board.

C-16 Without Joysticks

If Joysticks are not to be used, you can build a straight cable of 16 connectors for the C-16 (please don’t mind the 18 connectors of the photo, those are for C-64 keyboard).

C-16 With Joysticks

As explained before, the Atmel 32u4 board does not have enough pins to allocate the two Joysticks separately, so some «Y» connections in parallel are needed (again, don’t mind the pins in photo, those are for C-64). Remember to connect X and Y pins (Joysticks common pins) as explained below.

Important Note: BMC64 Emulator allows direct connection of Joystick to Raspberry Pi’s GPIO, so if you plan to use ONLY that emulator for joysticks, you can wire them to the Pi.

Plus/4 with Joysticks

I haven’t built an adapter of Plus/4, but you can do the «Y» connections from the keyboard connector (as shown) or from the board connector, remeber to connect X and Y pins to the board as show below.

Arduino Leonardo

Commodore Plus/4

This is the pinout to connect our Arduino Leonardo to the Plus/4 keyboard, including it’s built in LED.

In case you want the Joysticks, you are going to need the parallel connections for explained above in case you want them.



This is the pinout to connect our Arduino Leonardo to the keyboard, and RGB (or normal) LED.

If you prefer to use the original LED you should insert a ~330 Ohms resistor.

Also you are going to need the parallel connections for Joysticks explained above in case you want them.

Arduino Micro

Warning: This board hasn’t been tested yet due to not having one. It has been done using the same code than other 32u4 boards changing only pins input assignment so it should work. In case it doesn’t please let me know.

Commodore plus/4

The Arduino Micro board has to be connected this way. Warning: The board is flipped in the schematics.

For the board to fit in it’s housing, pins has to be soldered to the «green» side, therefore dupont cables are plugged to the «white» side.

Unfortunately, this board usually comes with the six inner pins already soldered to the opposite side than the outer pins. If that is the case, you need to remove or trim the six inner pins because the board won’t fit in it’s housing, it’s designed for the white side facing up.


Teensy 2.0

I haven’t compiled the Plus/4 version of the following boards yet, only the C-16 version; but it’s easy so just ask for them if you don’t know how to compile QMK and you want to build it.


The Teensy 2.0 is connected this way. 

Warning: This board hasn’t been tested yet due to not having one. It has been done using the same code than other 32u4 boards changing only pins input assignment so it should work. In case it doesn’t please let me know.


As explained before, the ProMicro board has only 18 inputs/outputs so there is no room for a controlled LED and Joysticks at the same time. Therefore red LED is connected to 5V and it will be always on.

Commodore Plus/4
