Commodore-64 and VIC-20

In this Compatibility Mode, the keyboard work exactly as it was original conceived for C-64 or VIC-20 (using emulation), including all the symbols and legends of the keys.

This mode has to be selected when an emulator of C-64 or VIC-20 is in use to ensure full compatibility. Although the key mapping is compatible with the default “Positional” layout, you can download a .vkm file and set it as Users Positional.

Press C= and CONTROL, to go back to PC Compatible Mode.

Commodore-16, 116 And Plus/4.

However the C-64 and the C-16 are physically similar, the position and function of some keys are different, like the cursor keys for example. Coming from the same 264 series, the Plus/4 and C-116 also have a similar layout than C-16. In conclusion, any 264 computer series keyboard can be mapped in the same way.

With the intention to make it intuitive, instead of keeping the original position of keys of a C-16 keyboard, I’ve changed the location of some keys keeping the original C-64 layout as much as possible. 

Due to the fact 264 series computers add new keys, some of the C-64 keys had to be redefined as you can see in the diagram below (like the four cursor key for example). This way you can have the same productivity than a C-264 Keyboard without having to remember the original location of every key.

As you can see, location of – (minus), * (asterisk), + (add), = (equal), £ (pound) and CLEAR/HOME are the same than C-64.

The changes are:

  • The original C-64 cursor keys work as ↓ (Down) and → (Right). SHIFT won’t invert the direccion of these two as it does in the C-64.
  • ↑ (Arrow Up) and RESTORE work as ↑ (Up) and ← (Left) respectively.
  • F1, F3, F5 and F7 work as F1, F2, F3 and HELP respectively, including switching to F4, F5, F6 and F7  if SHIFT is pressed.

Remember to set your keyboard emulation in “Positional (User)” and choose the .vkm file corresponding to your emulator.

To exit the emulator, press C= and CONTROL keys to switch back to PC Compatible Mode.