QMK customized Source Code

 Download them in case you know QMK. Commodore-16 and Plus/4 keyboards are included. 

If you improve them please let me know!!!

for Atmel90USB1286


for MEGA32u4

(Arduino Leonardo, Micro, Teensy 2.0 and ProMicro). You need to comment/uncomment in keymap.c, config.h, and Keymmodore16.h according your board of choice’s pins and led.

already compiled .hex files to flash your board

If you do not know how to flash it, I recommend QMK Toolbox, for Teensy boards you have Teensy Loader.

These .hex files are only for building a Keymmodore-16 out of a Commodore-16 keyboard. 

Let me know if you want the already compiled Plus/4 .hex files.

Select your board to download the right firmware for it.

Arduino Leonardo
Teensy 2.0
Arduino Micro