Here you can download .vkm files for Keymmodore or Pimmodore 64.


  • Your keyboard layout host system (PC, Raspberry, etc.) has to be set to «US» or «US International».
  • Copy the files and folders structure to your Emulator folder.
  • Change the Keyboard configuration in the emulator to «Positional (User)» and select the .vkm files corresponding to the model of computer to emulate.
  •  Remember to «Save Settings».
  • Do the same for every computer to be emulated.

Hover over the Emulator logo for downloadthe .vkm

There are two set of .vkm files for VICE. A GTK3 version and a SDL version.

BMC64 is already in «US» layout. It does not support «Positional (User) mapping, only Positional. Replace the original .vkm files by copying the folders to the root folder of the SD card. Then go BMC64 MenuSettings/Input devices/Keyboard and select «Positional».

You can create /home/pi/Keymmodore-64 directory and put the files there. From the Combian Menu, go to Settings/Input devices/Keyboard, select «Positional (user)». Then browse and select the right .vkm file. You can use WinSCP or any other SSH software to do it remotely.

Note 1: Due to some key mapping limitation in Combian emulator, using PET Graphics emulation, right graphics PETSCII of @,+,,* and \ keys, won’t match C-64 keyboard, matching the original PET layout.

Note 2: These vkm files should work also with VICE version distributed in Retropie, you can find more info here

Note 3: Remember to check with «raspi-config» the right layout of Keyboard (US or US International)